Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mens Hats, Hats For Women

Mens Hats, Hats For Women.

Hats have become an fashion in this century, in Traditional time Hats & Caps were used to save our head from sunrays, elements, safety etc.. but now a days Hats have become as part of our day to day life. Hats are used to cover our Head and it can also be worn for protection against the elements, for ceremonial or religious reasons, for safety, or as a fashion accessory. Hats are available for all the generations and they are also coming in Mens Hats, Womens Hats, etc.. The young generations are weaing hats in colleges, parties and for Ourdoor visits.
        There are some famous Hat makers around the globe one is James Lock & Co, Sharp & Davis of 6 Fish Street Hill,  John B. Stetson is a well-known American Hat company & for Women Hats Sarah Jessica Parker and Lady Gaga are leading the way.

--> Hats are available in various designs :

1) Crown : This type of hats are like the crowns which were used by the kings in ancient times for showing the status, they are like dome shape structure on our head.

2) Peak : This Hats are like an projection in front of the hat, used to shade or shield the eyes from sun and rain.

3) Brim : an optional projection of stiff material from the bottom of the hat's crown horizontally all around the circumference of the hat.

4) Hatband : This types of hats are having Band surrounded toward the bottom of the hats.

5) Lining : for some hats there is a silk lining, often bearing the maker's name and label.

-->  The following are the available Hat Styles :
1) Ascot cap : This comes in category of Caps, this are looking very good & also useful for protecting our head from sunrays by its front projection.

2) Ayam : A Traditional Korean Hat.

3) Balaclava : This is like covering our all head excluding our eyes, this is very useful in winter season.

4) Balmoral bonnet : This Hats are used in Scotland in Traditional time.

5) Baseball cap : This are simple Caps can be worn by anyone, normally used while playing outdoor games.

6) Bearskin : this are used by the military peoples in ancient time.

7) Beaver hat : Hats made of felted beaver fur.

8) Beret : Soft round Cap, usually of wool felt, with a flat crown, worn by both men and women.

9) Bicorne : This Hat comes in two way cornered shape.

10) Boonie Hat : A soft cotton wide-brim hat commonly used by militaries. Similar to a bucket Hat.

11) Bucket Hat : A soft cotton hat with a wide & curve at the bottom.

12) Busby : A small fur military Hat.

13) Campaign Hat : This hat having an outer projection at all four side.

14) Casquette : A small-Projected cap often worn by cyclists.

15) Chullo : this Hats comes with an ear flap, aseful in winters.

16) Chupalla : Straw Hats.

17) Cricket Cap : Used in Ancient time while playing cricket now also the hav been worn by australia cricket team.

18) Cowboy Hat : High-crowned, wide-brimmed hat, with a sweatband on the inside, and a decorative hat band on the outside. Customized by creasing the crown and rolling the brim.

19) Fedora : Red felt Hats in the shape of a truncated cone.

20) Flat cap : A soft, round men's cap with a small brim in front.

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